Dental Implants

Custom Made Dental Implants in Toms River, NJ

Custom Made Dental Implants in Toms River, NJ

If you need to replace missing or extracted teeth, dental implants are a permanent and appealing solution. And because no other teeth need to be altered to place the new tooth, they can be a better alternative to bridges.

The implant process is performed in stages. During the first stage, a dental implant surgeon will insert a screw into the jawbone via a small incision; multiple implants can be placed simultaneously.

We can often install temporary crowns or a temporary bridge at this time, so you can eat and speak normally and maintain the aesthetic appearance of your smile.

During the healing process—generally three to six months—the jawbone forms around the implant in a process called osseointegration.

Once you have fully healed, we place an abutment on the implant, which serves as the base for your new tooth. Then we take an impression of the area so the lab can create your permanent restoration.

After your treatment is completed, your new tooth will look and feel just like your natural teeth.

Implant Bridge

Implant Bridge